Posts filed under 'General'
So it’s been a while since I posted here. I’ve been busy editing the movie that pays my bills. But I’ve been reading the comments and you guys are way off base. I didn’t suggest this open relationship because “I saw a hot chick.” As I said in a recent video, Berlin isn’t exactly crawling with hot chicks (well not usually anyway). I suggested this open relationship because I was going crazy. While I was back home with Penny all I could think about was how terrible it would be while we were apart. And I thought if I could find someone (or a few someones) to help ease the pain then maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. But I didn’t take into account my usual shyness with girls.
But now the World Cup is here in Berlin and the city is crawling with out of town babes looking to hook up. I managed to meet one of them (an Australian!) at the Fan Mall, and she was interested enough to come back to my apartment(!) Penny happened to be online. I couldn’t get the recorder going while my new friend from down under was looking, but I started a video conversation with Penny to let her know I had found someone too.
Neither girl really liked talking to each other, which I guess I understand. Unfortunately after Penny hung up on us, the other girl decided it was late and got a cab home. I paid her cab fare, because I’m a gentleman.
Anyway, I thought you should know that for the next clip, since Penny mentions it.
June 14th, 2006
As a commenter in my last post has noted, it’s been a while since I posted anything here. He assumed it was because our relationship wasn’t working or because the webcam sex was so bad. But in fact it’s just the opposite. The movie finished shooting at the end of February and I got some time off before we went into the editing stage so I went home to see Penny. We had a really great reunion but then I started having this pain in my abdomen. It took a long time to figure out what it was but the doctors finally cured me two weeks after I was supposed to return to Berlin. Penny was a big help. I wasn’t feeling up to posting anything before and the blog is really not about us being happy together in New York. But now I’m back in Berlin and I hope I can start posting things soon. As usual Penny’s schedule will probably make it tricky. In the meantime I might post a few more travelogues.
April 10th, 2006
From: Penny
To: Sean
Date: Feb 15, 2006 8:29 AM
Subject: Forget something?
Happy Valentine's Day.
I didn't expect any gifts but you could have
at least acknowledged it.
I don't know why I put up with this.
February 16th, 2006
I don’t understand this ad.

Why would you advertise against nerds on the Internet—the natural habitat of nerds? And why is it NO NERDS (period)? Does it mean that there are no nerds using Vonage? Working at Vonage? A company like Vonage must be crawling with nerds. How else would it run?
If there were no period I would interpret it as “Not a nerd, no problem.” Meaning you don’t have to be a nerd to use Internet Telephones. But there’s that period…
And then there’s this nerd drawing. He looks like a regular nerd based on the taped glasses, bowtie, bad haircut, oversized adam’s apple, and jug ears (first time I’ve ever used THAT phrase) but for some reason he also has a secret identity as a nerd who likes math. Why the extra step?
February 1st, 2006